The Ultimate Guide to Using Design for Effective Landing Pages

Out of all the online ads you saw this week, how many led you to purchase the product or service promoted? It may hugely depend on your shopping habits, but there’s a big chance you didn’t buy all the products marketed to you. Stats tell us that the average landing page conversion rate is only

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Surprisingly Easy Ways to Make Extra Cash By Selling Amazon T-Shirts

Have you always wanted to earn extra cash but can’t commit to a business full-time? If you answered yes, then you might want to consider selling Amazon t-shirts. If you think selling shirts on Amazon is complicated, then you might not have heard about Merch by Amazon yet. It lets you sell your very own

graphic designers
Here’s How Graphic Design Services are Changing Design

When you’re involved in any type of venture, whether online or offline, you’ll always find yourself in need of visual design.  For example, a typical online store selling t-shirts would need several visual materials to get started. For the website alone, you’ll need the logo, banner image, and product photos at the very least. Not

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10 Strategies to Upgrade Your Company’s Ecommerce Marketing

When you think of an item you might need, be it a book, a pair of sneakers, or kitchen equipment, what do you do? If you’re like many people, your first impulse wouldn’t be to run to the store and look for the product you want to buy. Instead, you’ll most likely stay where you’re

Lead Pixel is an on-demand graphic design service that caters to fast growing teams, marketers, and agencies. 

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