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Keeping your business agile is key to surviving in today’s digital age. It would be best if you adapted to changes to improve your operations continually and be on par with competitors. 

One practice that has been proving practical is outsourcing. Statistics tell us that the top reason ventures outsource business processes is to save money and cut costs.

In this light, it’s no wonder that ventures who need to beef up their marketing strategy decide to outsource design. If you’re still on the fence about getting outside help for your visual asset needs, read this quick guide to be able to make an informed decision.

Why Outsourcing is a Good Option

Many ventures outsource their processes because it takes loads off their back. They delegate the less critical operations to organizations who have proper training and expertise. By doing this, they’re able to focus more on the core aspects of the business.

It’s also crucial to note that outsourcing is a practice not exclusive to multi-million companies. In fact, even small businesses can benefit from this model. 

The most common tasks outsourced by businesses include:

  • Customer service
  • Lead generation
  • Social media 
  • Content creation
  • Graphic design
  • Payroll processing
  • Accounting
  • Tax filing
  • Event management

The Benefits You’ll Get if You Outsource Design

designer working

As seen from the list above, you can practically outsource anything that you’re not an expert at. This includes designing graphics for your visual assets and marketing materials. 

Here are five benefits you’ll enjoy when you outsource design to design agencies.

1. Time Efficiency

Some entrepreneurs try to do everything by themselves. After all, doing design through online software costs nothing, right? Not quite. Though many online graphic design platforms are free, going the DIY route can cost you something more significant – your time. And unlike money, you can’t bring it back once it’s lost. 

Even if you have a good grasp of design, creating graphics takes time – precious time you could use instead of collaborating, networking, brainstorming, or any effort to take your business a step closer to your goals. In short, any other professional designer can make an excellent graphic for you. But when it comes to steering the ship, you can’t count on anyone else but yourself.

When it comes to setting up a business and running it, it’s not enough that you make time. You should also be smart about how you spend that time.

2. No Need to Hire

One of the reasons why ventures turn to graphic design outsourcing companies is because they don’t have the time to hire their own.

Getting an in-house graphic designer usually involves a lengthy process:

  • Posting about the job vacancy in job marketplace platforms, usually online
  • Going over applications received
  • Reviewing portfolios and resumes
  • Scheduling an exam 
  • Arranging an interview
  • Choosing the best candidate among the shortlisted applicants

Not included in the steps above are the onboarding process and training. Even if you have a human resources department, hiring an in-house designer can take a long time. That said, it may not be the best option if you’re trying to keep up with a campaign schedule.

3. Wider Range of Expertise

Just as with any other field, graphic designers each have an area of expertise. Some areas of design specializations include:

  • Web design
  • Mobile app
  • UX/UI
  • Content and social media
  • Ads
  • Marketing
  • Illustration
  • Packaging

Generally speaking, all designers would know how to create a wide range of graphics. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re great at everything. 

For example, cardiologists may have a general idea about skin issues, but they won’t be as well-versed on it as dermatologists are. The same goes for graphic design. If you need an excellent ad visual, an experienced designer who has extensive exposure to the field would be your best bet.

When you hire an in-house designer, you’re limiting the range of your graphics to the expertise of that person. On the other hand, hiring a design outsourcing company means tapping into a pool of designers who have different specializations and expertise. As a result, you can be assured that all of your visual assets are created by the best creative in that field.

4. Grab and Go

Most ventures get graphic design services from freelancers or design agencies only when they need it. For instance, if a company is launching a new line of products, it may decide to outsource brochure design and ad visuals. However, it doesn’t mean that the company would have the same graphic design needs regularly. 

If your business falls under those ventures that don’t need graphic designs 365 days a year, outsourcing the job would be a great solution. This way, you won’t need to be tied up to a contract that requires you to pay for services you don’t need daily. Instead, go for monthly subscription design service providers that let you grab and go without commitments.

5. Lower Costs

Some people are hesitant to outsource graphic design because it incurs costs. If you factor in the many benefits of professional design, however, you will see that it’s well worth the investment.

In addition to that, outsourcing design can be more economical because of the following factors:

  • You won’t have to pay for equipment or software. The freelance designer or design agency would have those covered so that you can tick those boxes off your expenses list.
  • There will be lower overhead expenses because the designer won’t have to work in your office (unless you want them to).
  • Hiring an employee can be costly. Besides basic salary, you also need to factor in recruitment expenses, employment taxes, and benefits. Outsourcing design frees you of these responsibilities while providing you with the visual assets you need.

The Bottomline

If the factors above are crucial to your business, then it’s ideal for you to outsource design. Bear in mind, though, that choosing the service provider to outsource your design needs is also crucial. It’s best to choose a design agency that’s professional, reliable and provides value for your every buck.

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Lead Pixel is an on-demand graphic design service that caters to fast growing teams, marketers, and agencies. 

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