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With over 160 million brands using Facebook for Business, it’s a wise decision to do the same for your company. As of the first quarter of 2020, the number of active Facebook accounts total more than 2.6 billion. When you create a Facebook business page, you’re placing your brand in front of that enormous amount of prospects. 

If you’re just starting with your business, Facebook is a great platform to begin your marketing and advertising endeavors. Here are the top Facebook for Business tips to help you get started: 

Create Facebook Business Page 

facebook for business

If you don’t know it yet, your personal Facebook account is different from a business page. Some people use their personal Facebook accounts to sell or advertise online. However, not only does this make you look unprofessional, but you’re also missing out on useful Facebook apps that can help your business. 

Facebook for Business has tools to help you with content creation and opportunities for paid promotion. It also has analytic reports that give you insightful data to help you create better marketing strategies. Your business page will also be open to your followers’ engagement, which can be beneficial to your brand awareness campaigns. 

Use Unique Profile and Cover Photos 

Make your Facebook business page easily recognizable by using a profile photo that’s uniquely yours. It could be your logo or a product that customers will instantly identify as yours. This will make it easy for them to find and like your page. 

Additionally, your cover photo takes up a large amount of space, so you need to make it count by using an engaging one. This example from Nutella brilliantly sets the scene for your fans and followers. It shows how Nutella fits the breakfast table perfectly to entice you to add it to yours. 

Pay Attention to Your “About” Page 

Only when visitors to your page click on your “About” page will they see it. However, this is one of the most essential parts of your Facebook for Business page. It’s because here is where they’ll see all they need to understand about your business. 

Ensure that all pertinent data is included on the page so you won’t leave viewers wondering. Make sure you add a general description of your brand, mission, vision, and story. This will give them a clear picture of who you are and what you’re all about. 

Post Engaging and Eye-Catching Content 

Humans are generally drawn to all things beautiful. When you post eye-catching content on your Facebook page, you’re increasing your chances of being shared by many people. A study shows that awesome and inspiring content is some of the most shared posts on Facebook. 

Shared posts are an excellent way to build awareness for your brand as well as engage your customers. This is also a good way to advertise your business and introduce a new product or service. It’s a great way to build a strong connection with customers and prospects alike. 

Add Good Call-to-Action Buttons 

facebook page example

You often see phrases such as Watch Video, Buy Now, Sign Up Today, or Visit Website on Facebook. The reason behind this is that getting your viewers to take action is what you need to focus on. These call-to-action (CTA) buttons will pave the way for a sale or a website visit. 

This Airbnb Facebook Business page is effective because it uses a cover photo of a very inviting vacation spot. Underneath the image is a CTA button, Book Now, which makes you want to really click on it. Depending on what you want your visitors to do, click on the “Add a Button” box that lets you choose the CTA of your choice. 

Take Advantage of Facebook for Business Tools 

facebook for business

Facebook has tools to help you cater to a specific audience with their fantastic targeting tools. It allows you to choose a particular demographic based on gender, age, location, and many other factors. You can then set the metrics for your preferred audience to make your strategies more productive. 

The platform also allows you to have control of who can see your posts and who cannot. If you think your posts will not be appropriate for some people, there’s the Restricted Audience button that can help you set it up. 

Leverage Facebook for Business’s Analytics 

facebook for business

After targeting your audience, check how your Facebook business page is doing. The platform has an Insight tab that will show you your page’s performance. Here, you will see how much reach and engagement the page has gotten as well as how many people interacted. 

This information will help you determine what you need to work on in your marketing strategies. You’ll understand which posts resonate well with the audience. It will help you identify problems as well as successes. With Insights, you’ll know which to avoid and what to keep on doing. 

Promote Your Page 

It’s now time to promote and campaign for your business using Facebook Ads. The platform will let you create an ad depending on your goals, such as widen reach or increase website traffic. You’ll then be asked to choose your audience to whom your ads will be shown. 

With these ads, make sure that you create attention-grabbing posts to help you cut through all the noise. For this, you will need the assistance of a good graphic designer. This will guarantee you to have ads that catch the attention of the exact people you want as customers. 

Lead Pixels Can Help 

Lead Pixels can help you create Facebook for Business graphic design that turns heads from cover photos to sponsored ads. We are an on-demand graphic design service that helps agencies, marketers, and businesses, big or small. Our monthly-subscription business model allows you access to affordable graphic design. 

You can have unlimited graphic design for all your Facebook Business page needs for a flat monthly rate. You can submit requests for logos, social media graphics, and many other design assets. Schedule a demo today with our outreach specialists. Learn and see how Lead Pixels can help you grow your business through Facebook.

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